Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Gran! Have you seen my Ralph Lauren jeans?

You know those moments when you're already rushing to get ready but you can't find the one pair of jeans to go with the new green blouse you got just two days ago? Then you spend the next 30 minutes searching high and low, desperate to find them that you practically turn your closet upsidedown. You eventually find them, only to realize you're already 10 minutes late for your appointment.

I've cried out, one time too many on a saturday as I get ready for church, "Nay, nakita mo ba yung maong ko? (Gran, have you seen my jeans?). And where do I find them? In my mother's closet!

So this is what half my closet looks like after spending two hours trying to arrange them in a much more orderly manner - trying being the keyword there. This looks relatively neater, I would say

In those two hours I counted at least 7 tees that I don't wear anymore, one skirt with a broken zipper and a PINK scarf - heaven knows how that got there! Worse, it's got Hello Kitty on it.

I also found out that I can't fold a T-shirt, no matter how many times I try.

The good part of those two hours, was I now know where all my clothes are though give it about a few days to a week, it'll all be out of place once again.

- Messer Girl


  1. haha I feel that any girl with a wardrobe has undergone that dilemma one way or another! my clothes always (ALWAYS, I do not exaggerate) end up in my sisters/mom's closet and it is irritating! I totally feel youu girl haha!

    they should have monthly garage sales here in HK. Even if it's just within the estate or something!

    P.S. I would so love to see you work that Hello Kitty scarf sometime soon ;)

  2. I'd have a garage sale, if only it were that easy to have 'em here in control-freak Hong Kong.

    Meanwhile, I think the only time I'll don that scarf if when I'm dead and all my friends decided to bury me in all things pink.

  3. lol to that pink hello kitty scarf... i always knew you had it in you val ;)
